
年華 / Remembrance Of Things Past: Time And Life


Remembrance Of Things Past: Time And Life / Mar.2004
925 銀染黑處理
Oxidised Sterling silver






When the years go by, every one is always changed by some way and some how. Like rough and acuate stone, after washout from the river, it will become smooth and roundness. It happens spontaneously, naturally, automatically. We can't stop it or change it, even it changes us a lot and unconsciously. And after days and years, we suddenly find that we are different, we are not a child or be innocent any more.

It doesn't mean good or bad. It's a phase, a gradation of life. It gathers beauty and ugliness, and the must important part is what we face and go through.

That's what I feel of time and life, and I put all elements in this work . There are two textures of the body; one is rough, another is smooth. It explains the changes of time. There are also some holes on th body, every one can ties any different kinds of material on it. That's what I can show apart from another one.

I like ribbon, how about you?


我的偶像(一) / My Idols(1)





Elsa Peretti-我的啟蒙設計師

知名的Tiffany設計師之一,自高中從在雜誌上看到她的介紹跟作品之後,就開始嚮往起當Tiffany珠寶設計師的念頭。雖然她最知名的作品是Open Heart跟Bean系列,但我最喜歡的反而是下面的那款Bottle墜子跟Bone系列、Mesh系列。


「優美的線條、優美的造型是永恆的」,這是設計師Elsa Peretti對自己設計的作品下的注解,而這也是她一貫的設計風格,事實也說明了這樣的設計,是經的起時間考驗的,自1974她加入Tiffany至今的設計作品便可以證明。

也因為她的作品影響,我始終喜歡流線多過於稜角,喜歡圓多過於方,取材自然的造形更是Miss Maru不可少的風格之一。

/產品圖片版權為Elsa Peretti所有/

Jewellery Theatre-獨特的珠寶設計品牌

由俄羅斯雙人設計師 Irina Dorofeeva與Maxim Voznesenskiy所創立的珠寶品牌,當初一逛到他們網站的時候,直感到不可思議,原來珠寶可以做的如此獨特而精緻。

他們的作品應該被稱做珠寶嗎?他們應該被稱做珠寶設計師嗎?我想他們被Moscow World Fine Art Fair 稱做jewellery artists,就可以顯示出作品的藝術表現遠遠大過珠寶的意義了。


/產品圖片版權為Jewellery Theatre所有/

Joel Arthur Rosenthal-令人驚艷的珠寶藝術家

會認識Joel Arthur Rosenthal 是因為一本以他名字作為簡寫的JAR的書(上圖),而認識了他的作品。

他是一位生於美國紐約的哈佛畢業生,卻因為對寶石的喜愛,在1976年的巴黎開了一間珠寶店,經過30多年的努力之後,他成了專為首富名流訂製珠寶的設計師,一年只做70~80作品,而這家隱身在Place Vendome的珠寶專賣店,沒有櫥窗也沒有固定的開放時間,卻依舊在業界有聲有色,光從2006年Christie's 拍賣會上賣出的一對由銀和18K玫瑰金製成,同時鑲有紅寶石和鑽石的黃玉耳環,拍出了710400美元(而拍賣前的估值僅為6-8萬美元),實際成交價幾乎翻了十倍的狀況可看出來,他的作品可以在珠寶設計界舉足輕重的角色。



/產品圖片版權為Joel Arthur Rosenthal 所有/




I had an interview with a famous crystal glass company lately. When I talked to the director, he asked me a very interesting question.

"Why the jewelry and glass are so different, and you wanna work in the crystal glass company ?"

After he asked, I can't help wondering are the jewelry and glass really different? In my opinion, they are always the same thing. And here are my idols of jewelry area. Their design and works all show the jewelry is not only a kind of accessories but also a craft of art.

Elsa Peretti - the first jewelry designer I admired.

Elsa Peretti is the one of the most famous designers of Tiffany & Co. She designed many of Tiffany's best-selling items including the famous 'Open Heart' and 'Bean' pendant collections. But my favorite are the 'Bottle' pendant and 'Bone' collection.

"I hate that impeccable, perfectly perfect look, all matched and prearranged," Elsa Peretti said. "Style is to be simple." Her jewelry proved her points are right since 1974 she worked in Taffany & Co. Until now, her work is still modern and chic.

She was inspired by nature, and her jewelry often has circular and curvilineal shape. By her influence, most of Miss Maru's work often contains curve and nature elements. They are always my favorite subjects.

Jewellery Theatre - special jewelry style company.

Jewellery Theatre is the leading Russian jewellery house created by Irina Dorofeeva and Maxim Voznesenskiy. When I saw thier website at the first time, I can't believe that fine jewelry can have so many possibility. Is their jewelry just jewelry? The two designers are called jewellery artists by Moscow World Fine Art Fair. It's clear enough to show the art value of their works.

Joel Arthur Rosenthal - incredible jewelry artist.

I know about Joel Arthur Rosenthal from the book as his name called 'JAR'. Joel Arthur Rosenthal who was born in New York and works in Paris. He's well-known by 'JAR'. His work is sold in only one store in Paris 'Place Vendôme', sequestered from the outside world, and only make 70~80 pieces of work each year.

His jewelry is always colorful and amazing, whether the technic of jewelry making or intelligence of choosing gem. It's really a very high level for jewelry designer to achieve, and that's also my goal.

Therefore, after seeing those top jewelry designer and their works, I really can't tell the difference of jewelry and glass. Jewelry can be comercial or artistic by different ways rested on everyone's appreciation. And every jewelry is cerated by designer's mind and thought. That's why I think jewelry is equal to art.

To know more about designer..

Tiffany & Co.

Jewellery Theatre