這個活動是由英國文化協會(British Council)舉辦,目的是為了讓在設計領域上創意創業家可以有發聲的機會,並到國外參展與國外設計師交流。而這個工作坊是以通過書面初選審核的參賽者為主,安排學術與業界知名的導師 (Mentor)參與討論,創造一個和彼此互動學習的機會。參加的導師有:政治大學創新與創造力中心的溫肇東教授、華晶創投總監的曾煥哲(Joseph)老師、中子文化執行人的張培仁(Landy)老師(簡單生活節主辦者)、出色創意執行長的陸承蔚(Lou)老師。
我想這個部份真的是很重要,也很需要克服的一環。每個創業家一定會碰到如資金..技術..和共同合作等各環節的問題,每個環節都是對自己的打擊與考驗,放棄的念頭更是會不停的發生。但還好自己可以陸陸續續,得到許多不同的鼓勵,讓自己繼續相信自己的信念,堅持走下去。真的感謝所有給予MARU與Miss Maru©支持的所有人,你們的鼓勵、認同、欣賞或是一個拍賣網頁的問題,都會是我繼續生長的養分。
可愛的 金可蘿Dream Carrot --手工車縫的夢幻包包與配件(Hand-made Begs and Accessories)
愛台灣的 農麗Nong-Li --推廣在地台灣精神與文化的潮流品牌(Taiwan Style and Sprit Goods)
勇敢地球人 漱木齋home-handiwork --環保手繪圖畫與回收木頭創作(Hand-made Drawings and Wood Crafts)
愛寵物又愛地球的ppark--生產環保在地的寵物用品(Eco-friendly Pets Equipment)
時尚的 黑田莉子牛肉乾 --家傳的牛肉乾滋味加上新穎的包裝設計
I have attended a meaningful competition called International Young Design Entrepreneur (IYDE) Award 2009 these days, and participated the workshop for candidates on 16th June. This competition is held by British Council. The goal of it is creating the opportunity for creative design entrepreneurs to have a chance to attend the exhibition called 100% Design in UK. The workshop aims to let every design entrepreneur think about their business though the activities and lectures from some good mentors: Professor Wen(
Professor & Director of The Center for Creativity and Innovation of NCCU), Joseph(Managing Director President if Crystal Ventures), Landy(Inaugurator of Simple Life) and Lou(The CEO of Pumpkin Creative Inc.). They all gave us their good advice and encouraged us to keep working on our business. I was so touched in this workshop. It is not only because I met so many talented people in Taiwan, but also encouraged by mentors and these entrepreneurs well. I really glad I can attend this competition and have such a great experience. And Thanks all supports from my family, friends, customers and any people who gave MARU and Miss Maru© courage.