在ECA(Edinburgh College of Art)開學的第一個禮拜,我就參觀了蘇格蘭的兩間博物館跟一間美術館。博物館分別是St Andrews Musuem與National Museum Scotland,美術館叫做Dovecot Studios。
St Andrews Musuem
在9月24日,我們整個系先參觀了St Andrews Musuem,博物館就位在小鎮St Andrews裡,那是一個非常可愛的小鎮。我們參觀的展覽叫做Marzee Collection,由位於荷蘭的Marzee美術館(Galerie Marzee),展出他們的珠寶收藏。令人感到不可思議的是,美術館的擁有者(Marie Jose)也在現場,讓我們聆聽她的故事與提問。
St Andrews Musuem 樓梯
Marzee Collection
小鎮 St Andrews
小鎮 St Andrews(是個有陽光的好天氣~)
隔天一早我們參觀了National Museum Scotland,參觀博物館並不稀奇,神奇的是我們是從後門進去的,看到的是他們博物館收藏的所有珠寶,從古埃及到現代都有。那些我在書上看到的古董珠寶、皇冠,通通都在眼前,還可以讓我觸摸,真的是讓人感動萬分~下午則是到了Dovecot Studios美術館,看他們的展覽。其中一個展覽叫做Jerwood Contemporary Makers,裡面有一位設計師的作品讓我感到印象非常深刻,她叫做Linda Florence(剛被提名British Design Award),作品名稱叫做Sugar Dance,她將她設計的圖案用糖粉撒在地上,並請到舞者於其上跳華爾茲,將圖紋用不同於一般的方式展現,糖粉就像雪花般紛飛,氣氛十分的唯美浪漫。
National Museum Scotland (蠻大的,應該要花一天來看)
Dovecot Studios Gallery
Beautiful 'Sugar Dance'
Ref. Links:
St Andrews Musuem
Galerie Marzee
National Museum Scotland
Dovecot Studios
Linda Florence
In the first week of my study, I have been traveled two museums and one gallery. One museum is St Andrews Museum, another is National Museum Scotland, and the Dovecot Studios gallery.
On 24th Sep., we took the trip at St Andrews outside Edinburgh and visited the Marzee Collection at St Andrews Museum. This exhibition shows the collection of Galerie Marzee, and the most amazing thing is the owner of gallery - Marie Jose is there. We can talk to her face in face. That is an opportunity that I never have in Taiwan. The showing way of this exhibition is also well. After the visiting, we took lunch in St Andrews, which is a really lovely town. There are so many cute shops!
In the next day, we visited National Museum Scotland, we saw the jewellery collection of the museum and have an unbelievable chance to see the jewelleries from Egypt time to now. The 19th century jewelleries I saw on the books all become real and I can touch them as well!! That is truly a great experience, and I am so grateful to that. Then we visited Dovecot Studios - a gallery in the city. I also saw a modern art exhibition called Jerwood Contemporary Makers and have many inspirations in there. The most impressive one is from Linda Florence, a textile designer, shows her video of her work called 'Sugar Dance' in this exhibition. I really love the way she shows her works and the atmosphere in it.
How can I be so lucky to see these? However, it is just the beginning.