
How to design / 如何做設計

九月往St. Andrews小鎮路上的風景(很喜歡不期然動態的效果)
On my way to St. Andrews (I like the unexpected moving effect)


在剛開始的課程中,CVCS(論文指導部(自我認定的說法))的老師就給我們播放了一個從Ted.com(集合許多知名人士演講的網站)上Elizabeth Gilbert的演講。她講到了如何跟創意相處,並與平衡自己的心理狀態,不應給自己太大的壓力。我也經由朋友的介紹,看了Ken Robinson的演講,闡述他對現今創意設計和教育現狀的想法。而對我來說,我經由這樣的學習跟從不同人的觀點得到的關鍵想法是,其實我並不需要經由設計去真正達成某樣特別的成就,而是要將自己的創意實踐,並帶到這個世界,無論是用何種方式。



Elizabeth Gilbert
Ken Robinson

The title is a question or a taught issue, but for me now, it is a no answer question and I will not try to answer it. Through the journey I have in a new country, I have started realising a fresh way doing my work/design. I love doing design, however, before design I could do a lot of wide or wild thinking about my idea. It is totally interesting to me. Life can have more possibility, even in this study, I need to finish a piece of work. Nevertheless, I can explore a new world after this, and try to create my work in a new way unlike the education I had before. I can not say the education I had is bad, but now I had opened a new door for my life and mind. Sometimes the process and test could bring different ideas (or not), but I do enjoy this and I am so happy to have this.

In the beginning of study, our CVCS tutor showed master group this talk, addressed by Elizabeth Gilbert from Ted.com (an interesting website collected talks from remarkable people). She talked about what we can think about our creativity, and how to deal our emotion. I also saw Ken Robinson's talk today from my friend's message. He discussed the relationship between creativity and education nowadays. Maybe the key point to me, is not achieving anything through my creativity, yet how to do what I love and bring my creativity to the world, no matter what it is.

Two days ago, I listened a lecture about 'Touch'. School asked three people talked about their work, including artist's work, 3D software and 3D research work. One student asked them: 'Do I really need to know so many skills or technique to create my work? I am so confused about new technology. They all bring us to do our work in the same way.' Actually, his opinion can not change anything at all, new things and technology will keep going forward, and there are too many ideas for these issues. But I really think, this question is what I never thought before, I always love to learn new skills and technique, and try to use them wisely to achieve my goal. Do we really need them? Can we create our work in a traditional and simple way? Do we really need to produce so many works for sell? Maybe, or maybe not. But I am interested in why he thinks in that way, is it because of education? And how does he make his work instead?

I am really glad to know different ideas and thinking. Everyone can express their idea directly. Nothing is totally right and wrong and has so many possibilities in it. I am thinking, before design I have so many things can do and develop, and that is where the creativity is. Trying without thinking is good for me, I do enjoy it, no matter what it is.
