
訂製珠寶 :: Custom Jewellery

訂製純銀愛心造型鑽石尾戒對戒 Custom sterling silver heart shape pair rings with diamonds for little fingers

Custom sterling silver heart shape pair rings with diamonds / Sept. 2012
925 銀
, 天然鑽石
Sterling silver, diamond


Custom sterling silver heart shape pair rings with diamonds / Sept. 2012
925 銀
, 天然鑽石
Sterling silver, diamond


These are silver heart shape pair rings for my friends as wedding rings. They are very clean and neat. Each one has a half heart pattern on it. When they come together, a complete heart shows! In addition, there are two small diamonds on bride's ring which represent two people. 

I love making wedding rings and pair rings. The reason is that I always see love and happiness between lovers when I am doing the design. That means everything.
