自從ECA(Edinburgh College of Art)畢業,回到台灣以後,最念念不忘的就是在英國愛丁堡唸書的期間,到處都有看不完的展覽跟藝術活動可以參與。幾乎英國的每個城市,都有屬於它們的博物館或是美術館,並且收藏著那個城市特有的藝術品和館藏。最重要的是,大部分都是免費的!
接下來會分成兩篇來介紹英國蘇格蘭的博物館,先從離學校ECA(Edinburgh College of Art)最近的博物館開始吧!
During I studied in UK, there are a lot of museums and galleries offering free admission hold different kinds of exhibitions every month. I am so lucky having chance to see these exhibitions when I had time there. Unlike Taiwan, every city in UK has at least one museum and art gallery, and there are so many kinds of arts in painting, sculpture or craft collected in each of them which represent the spirit of the city . I have visited several museums and galleries, and I hope I can introduce them to more people! Let's start from Edinburgh!
★蘇格蘭國家博物館 National Museum of Scotland
入場費 Admission:免費參觀 Free
地點 Position:愛丁堡市區 Edinburgh
預估參觀時間 Estimated time of full visiting:至少半天 At least half day
蘇格蘭國家博物館是愛丁堡相當指標性的博物館,地點又在主要歷史觀光街道Royal Mile不遠處,如果想要瞭解愛丁堡/蘇格蘭的歷史和傳統,一定要好好的參觀一下!
It is the nearest museum of our school and very local museum yet full of traditional collections and historical exhibitions. I can realise the history of Scotland from this museum, and see many Scottish artists' works as well.
It is a very modern and interesting architecture. A lot of collections inside are historical and educational. I always can see many parents taking their children seeing the exhibitions. It is also a very good place for people knowing Scottish artists. I have seen photographs, jewelleries and crafts presented from Scottish artists in different exhibitions.
Must see: Architecture of museum
★蘇格蘭國家藝廊 Scottish National Gallery
入場費 Admission:除特展外免費參觀 Free except special exhibitions
地點 Position:愛丁堡市區 Edinburgh
預估參觀時間 Estimated time of full visiting:約半天 About half day
蘇格蘭國家藝廊National Galleries of Scotland體制下一共有三間藝廊,分別是Scottish National Gallery,Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art跟Scottish Portrait Gallery,而位於Princes Street上的蘇格蘭國家藝廊(Scottish National Gallery),是蘇格蘭國家藝廊中最接近市中心的,緊鄰的就是Princes Street Garden,對短暫停留在愛丁堡市區的參觀者來說,是非常方便的選擇。
註:看完展覽後不要忘記參觀他們的禮品部,或是外帶食物到美麗的Princes Street Garden坐坐,從花園遠眺城堡也別有一番風情!
There are three art galleries within National Galleries of Scotland: Scottish National Gallery, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art and Scottish Portrait Gallery. Scottish National Gallery is at the midtown in Edinburgh next to Princes Street Garden. Most art works in Scottish National Gallery are paintings. Some special exhibitions are about painting or sculpture. I still remember the first time I saw the painting of van Gogh. I was so excited and grateful. It is also really great to have a picnic at Princes Street Garden after seeing all beautiful arts at gallery.
Must see: Paintings of Van Gogh and Rembrandt
★蘇格蘭當代藝術藝廊 Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art
入場費 Admission:免費參觀 Free
地點 Position:愛丁堡郊區 Outskirts of Edinburgh
預估參觀時間 Estimated time of full visiting:約2-3小時 About 2-3 hours
距離市區有一段距離的蘇格蘭當代藝術藝廊,可以說是我在愛丁堡參觀的二個美術館。原本鄰近的Dean Gallery,現在跟Modern Art合併,叫做Modern Two,同樣隸屬於蘇格蘭國家藝廊National Galleries of Scotland。。兩館館藏以現代藝術品為主,包括畫作、雕塑和工藝品等等。知名館藏有米羅、達利、安迪沃荷跟畢卡索的畫作,還有金屬雕塑家Eduardo Paolozzi的大型作品。
幸運的我在第一次參觀的時候,就看到聞名已久的藝術家Damien Hirst的作品在此展出,像個小學生一樣開心。
註:Modern Art Galley外面由美國景觀藝術家Charles Jencks設計的草地造景,也相當值得好好的逛一逛!
Must see: Landscape designed by Charles Jencks
And next, I will introduce some small and not well known museums in Scotland.