
How to design / 如何做設計

九月往St. Andrews小鎮路上的風景(很喜歡不期然動態的效果)
On my way to St. Andrews (I like the unexpected moving effect)


在剛開始的課程中,CVCS(論文指導部(自我認定的說法))的老師就給我們播放了一個從Ted.com(集合許多知名人士演講的網站)上Elizabeth Gilbert的演講。她講到了如何跟創意相處,並與平衡自己的心理狀態,不應給自己太大的壓力。我也經由朋友的介紹,看了Ken Robinson的演講,闡述他對現今創意設計和教育現狀的想法。而對我來說,我經由這樣的學習跟從不同人的觀點得到的關鍵想法是,其實我並不需要經由設計去真正達成某樣特別的成就,而是要將自己的創意實踐,並帶到這個世界,無論是用何種方式。



Elizabeth Gilbert
Ken Robinson

The title is a question or a taught issue, but for me now, it is a no answer question and I will not try to answer it. Through the journey I have in a new country, I have started realising a fresh way doing my work/design. I love doing design, however, before design I could do a lot of wide or wild thinking about my idea. It is totally interesting to me. Life can have more possibility, even in this study, I need to finish a piece of work. Nevertheless, I can explore a new world after this, and try to create my work in a new way unlike the education I had before. I can not say the education I had is bad, but now I had opened a new door for my life and mind. Sometimes the process and test could bring different ideas (or not), but I do enjoy this and I am so happy to have this.

In the beginning of study, our CVCS tutor showed master group this talk, addressed by Elizabeth Gilbert from Ted.com (an interesting website collected talks from remarkable people). She talked about what we can think about our creativity, and how to deal our emotion. I also saw Ken Robinson's talk today from my friend's message. He discussed the relationship between creativity and education nowadays. Maybe the key point to me, is not achieving anything through my creativity, yet how to do what I love and bring my creativity to the world, no matter what it is.

Two days ago, I listened a lecture about 'Touch'. School asked three people talked about their work, including artist's work, 3D software and 3D research work. One student asked them: 'Do I really need to know so many skills or technique to create my work? I am so confused about new technology. They all bring us to do our work in the same way.' Actually, his opinion can not change anything at all, new things and technology will keep going forward, and there are too many ideas for these issues. But I really think, this question is what I never thought before, I always love to learn new skills and technique, and try to use them wisely to achieve my goal. Do we really need them? Can we create our work in a traditional and simple way? Do we really need to produce so many works for sell? Maybe, or maybe not. But I am interested in why he thinks in that way, is it because of education? And how does he make his work instead?

I am really glad to know different ideas and thinking. Everyone can express their idea directly. Nothing is totally right and wrong and has so many possibilities in it. I am thinking, before design I have so many things can do and develop, and that is where the creativity is. Trying without thinking is good for me, I do enjoy it, no matter what it is.


Busy Week 3 :: 忙碌的第三週

在開學的第三個禮拜,變得異常的忙碌,有一個作業、一個報告跟兩個小短文的閱讀,幫朋友慶生,外加訂車票跟鐵路卡(young person railcard)。不過因為課堂上的討論,開始瞭解到外國的教育跟台灣的是如何的不同。他們並不會告訴我應該怎麼做,或是何時要做,甚至是做的好不好,一切都是自己來,自己找方法。我想這樣開放的態度對我現階段來說是很有用的,尤其自己在設計了那麼久的時間之後,應該讓想法更廣闊,努力打破自己的設限。

其中有個必聽課叫CVCS(其實還不是很瞭解它的功用..),老師要我們介紹一件自己很有興趣或是喜愛的作品。我介紹了藝術家Dorothy Cross在2000年的影片創作-'eyemaker'。這是我在2002年的台北當代藝術館看的展覽-「科技禁區」的作品之一,總共是22分鐘的影片,影片全程都是在拍攝玻璃工藝師如何從零,用拉絲技法,製作出一顆栩栩如生的玻璃眼珠。影片的最後,藝術家要求工藝師將作品吹破,一瞬間眼球破裂成千千萬萬個碎片,化為無形。


Eyemaker - Dorothy Cross, 2000


In third week, I finished my first project, one presentation and two short reading in school, celebrated my friend's birthday, applied for railcard and booked the tickets. It is quite a busy week, however, I really learned a lot thought these experiences.

I have realised how different the education in UK and Taiwan is. I have to find out what I can do and need to do for my study, and never limit myself at first. Then I can have more possibilities and gain more knowledge from different sources.

In one of my lecture, the teacher asked us to introduce a work I like or I am interested in. I selected a piece of video art created in 2000 by Dorothy Cross, an Irish artist. I saw this work in an exhibition called 'TECH/NO/ZONE' at Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei in 2002. It's a 22-minute video, projected on a screen. It presents a process of making a glass eye that made by ocularist by using lampworking skill. You can see how the ocularist creates a glass eye from glass rods to an artificial eye, and how real it is. At the end of video, she has directed the ocularist to destroy his work – blowing apart the eye. Suddenly, the eye becomes a thousands pieces.

In this work, I think the artist tried to display the journey from empty to concrete, artificial to natural, and perfect to broken. In addition, the feeling of audience follows the making process. At first, I am very expected what will happen next, and I also can feel the eye almost done and is so beautiful and perfect. But it just broken in a second and nothing left. I was astonished at that moment. I started to think what kind of art work can brings such emotional feelings to audience, and keep all the images in my mind. Can I achieve this result in my work? That is a question I thought about at that moment, and I would like to explore in every piece of my creations. Then I created 'Forest Fantasy' in 2008, the first attempt, and wish I can do more about it in the future.

It is the one of the most unforgettable creation I have seen. I really love the broken/
imperfect beauty, like the movie 'American Beauty', the sadness left in the end of life is the most beautiful moment.


Two trips in the first week! :: 第一個禮拜的兩個校外教學

在ECA(Edinburgh College of Art)開學的第一個禮拜,我就參觀了蘇格蘭的兩間博物館跟一間美術館。博物館分別是St Andrews Musuem與National Museum Scotland,美術館叫做Dovecot Studios。

St Andrews Musuem

在9月24日,我們整個系先參觀了St Andrews Musuem,博物館就位在小鎮St Andrews裡,那是一個非常可愛的小鎮。我們參觀的展覽叫做Marzee Collection,由位於荷蘭的Marzee美術館(Galerie Marzee),展出他們的珠寶收藏。令人感到不可思議的是,美術館的擁有者(Marie Jose)也在現場,讓我們聆聽她的故事與提問。

St Andrews Musuem 樓梯

Marzee Collection

小鎮 St Andrews

小鎮 St Andrews(是個有陽光的好天氣~)

隔天一早我們參觀了National Museum Scotland,參觀博物館並不稀奇,神奇的是我們是從後門進去的,看到的是他們博物館收藏的所有珠寶,從古埃及到現代都有。那些我在書上看到的古董珠寶皇冠,通通都在眼前,還可以讓我觸摸,真的是讓人感動萬分~下午則是到了Dovecot Studios美術館,看他們的展覽。其中一個展覽叫做Jerwood Contemporary Makers,裡面有一位設計師的作品讓我感到印象非常深刻,她叫做Linda Florence(剛被提名British Design Award),作品名稱叫做Sugar Dance,她將她設計的圖案用糖粉撒在地上,並請到舞者於其上跳華爾茲,將圖紋用不同於一般的方式展現,糖粉就像雪花般紛飛,氣氛十分的唯美浪漫。

National Museum Scotland (蠻大的,應該要花一天來看)

Dovecot Studios Gallery

Beautiful 'Sugar Dance'


Ref. Links:
St Andrews Musuem
Galerie Marzee
National Museum Scotland
Dovecot Studios
Linda Florence

In the first week of my study, I have been traveled two museums and one gallery. One museum is St Andrews Museum, another is National Museum Scotland, and the Dovecot Studios gallery.

On 24th Sep., we took the trip at St Andrews outside Edinburgh and visited the Marzee Collection at St Andrews Museum. This exhibition shows the collection of Galerie Marzee, and the most amazing thing is the owner of gallery - Marie Jose is there. We can talk to her face in face. That is an opportunity that I never have in Taiwan. The showing way of this exhibition is also well. After the visiting, we took lunch in St Andrews, which is a really lovely town. There are so many cute shops!

In the next day, we visited National Museum Scotland, we saw the jewellery collection of the museum and have an unbelievable chance to see the jewelleries from Egypt time to now. The 19th century jewelleries I saw on the books all become real and I can touch them as well!! That is truly a great experience, and I am so grateful to that. Then we visited Dovecot Studios - a gallery in the city. I also saw a modern art exhibition called Jerwood Contemporary Makers and have many inspirations
in there. The most impressive one is from Linda Florence, a textile designer, shows her video of her work called 'Sugar Dance' in this exhibition. I really love the way she shows her works and the atmosphere in it.

How can I be so lucky to see these? However, it is just the beginning.


MARU in Edinburgh










I have been in Edinburgh for two weeks. I do feel I am very lucky to be this place that has so many beautiful sights, nature, ancient churches and castles, and various art exhibitions. I can really learn and sense a lot from all of it.

I took a flight from Taipei in 4th Sep., then transfered in Amsterdam, then after 18 hours I arrived in Edinburgh. Everything in here is totally new for me; the weather is so cool even it is actually very good for all Scottish, the food is delicious when I had in the first day, and the language that is so different from chinese. However, I think I will over come all of it, like the fireworks I saw in the end of The Edinburgh International Festival, they sparked so pretty and brilliant in the foreign sky yet they were invented in Asia.


MARU & Miss Maru的新旅程


MARU即將在2009的9月,出發到英國愛丁堡,就讀Edinburgh College of Art的珠寶設計碩士。這是一個重大的決定,是為了能在未來做出更好的設計,對自己更加的要求,期望賦予Miss Maru©新頁的里程碑。在出國的這段期間,MARU會將在英國的所見所聞繼續於BLOG刊載,分享英國的設計和生活的點滴,也會繼續創作珠寶,期待著由不同文化碰撞出火花的作品~

Miss Maru©的商品服務,將於9月後異動如下:

Miss Maru©商品售後服務

感謝這一年多來大家對MARU和Miss Maru©的支持,希望自己未來可以不斷的進步,創作出更好的作品給大家~


To My dear friends,

MARU will go to Edinburgh in September to study MA degree in Jewellery at ECA. It is a big decision to me, not only for making a better design also for achieving my goal - being a great jewellery designer. When I study in UK, I will keep writing my views and experience on BLOG, and creating my new jewellery. I wish I could create more and fabulous jewelleries with a different culture influence and the new studies.
Miss Maru product service will be changed as follows:
*Yahoo Auction Shop
All items would not be sold temporarily. After being arranged, they will be posted again. Once they were sold out in Taiwan, they will not be posted again. New items created in UK also will be posted on the page, however, the shopping fee will be charged when they are ordered from Taiwan. Please read the policy on the new product page.
*Customer Service
All services will not be changed. Every request and maintenance from customers can be solved by the details of the "Assurance" page.
Thank you for all supports and encouragements from my dearest friends and customers. I will do my best in creating jewellery, and try to make my design better and better in the future.
Best Wishes,




這個活動是由英國文化協會(British Council)舉辦,目的是為了讓在設計領域上創意創業家可以有發聲的機會,並到國外參展與國外設計師交流。而這個工作坊是以通過書面初選審核的參賽者為主,安排學術與業界知名的導師 (Mentor)參與討論,創造一個和彼此互動學習的機會。參加的導師有:政治大學創新與創造力中心溫肇東教授、華晶創投總監的曾煥哲(Joseph)老師、中子文化執行人的張培仁(Landy)老師(簡單生活節主辦者)、出色創意執行長的陸承蔚(Lou)老師。


我想這個部份真的是很重要,也很需要克服的一環。每個創業家一定會碰到如資金..技術..和共同合作等各環節的問題,每個環節都是對自己的打擊與考驗,放棄的念頭更是會不停的發生。但還好自己可以陸陸續續,得到許多不同的鼓勵,讓自己繼續相信自己的信念,堅持走下去。真的感謝所有給予MARU與Miss Maru©支持的所有人,你們的鼓勵、認同、欣賞或是一個拍賣網頁的問題,都會是我繼續生長的養分。


可愛的 金可蘿Dream Carrot --手工車縫的夢幻包包與配件(Hand-made Begs and Accessories)
愛台灣的 農麗Nong-Li --推廣在地台灣精神與文化的潮流品牌(Taiwan Style and Sprit Goods)
勇敢地球人 漱木齋home-handiwork --環保手繪圖畫與回收木頭創作(Hand-made Drawings and Wood Crafts)
愛寵物又愛地球的ppark--生產環保在地的寵物用品(Eco-friendly Pets Equipment)

時尚的 黑田莉子牛肉乾 --家傳的牛肉乾滋味加上新穎的包裝設計



I have attended a meaningful competition called International Young Design Entrepreneur (IYDE) Award 2009 these days, and participated the workshop for candidates on 16th June. This competition is held by British Council. The goal of it is creating the opportunity for creative design entrepreneurs to have a chance to attend the exhibition called 100% Design in UK. The workshop aims to let every design entrepreneur think about their business though the activities and lectures from some good mentors:
Professor Wen(
Professor & Director of The Center for Creativity and Innovation of NCCU), Joseph(Managing Director President if Crystal Ventures), Landy(Inaugurator of Simple Life) and Lou(The CEO of Pumpkin Creative Inc.). They all gave us their good advice and encouraged us to keep working on our business. I was so touched in this workshop. It is not only because I met so many talented people in Taiwan, but also encouraged by mentors and these entrepreneurs well. I really glad I can attend this competition and have such a great experience. And Thanks all supports from my family, friends, customers and any people who gave MARU and Miss Maru© courage.


2009/6/21 夏至關燈

2009/6/21 夏至關燈


2009/4/1~4/30 Miss Maru 品牌週年慶特惠!

Miss Maru©品牌週年慶特惠
2|購物滿兩千,即贈送Miss Maru©獨家設計手工訂製多用途小包
(與Old Stuff合作開發,可放面紙或悠遊卡~手工縫製的巴黎鐵塔與
Miss Maru©Logo,絕對是獨一無二的喔~)

Miss Maru©

到2009的4月,就是Miss Maru©滿一週年的日子,期許它在未來慢慢的茁壯。也謝謝大家這一年來的支持,Maru會繼續加油與改進商品,並努力將它推向更多領域與國際市場。

限量Ocean Season I 墜~EJP0006Old Stuff
限量Ocean Season II 墜~EJP0007Old Stuff
限量聖誕物語墜~EJP0012Old Stuff



最新作品 :: Free Will系列

Free Will系列是最近Miss Maru©一直在進行的一個系列,從去年底的Star Wish Nacklece開始,就不斷的著手實驗與創作,嘗試將珠寶以半自然的方式,捕捉瞬間留下的美麗。



Fish Scales Pendant / Feb.2008
925 銀
Sterling silver


Lace Fancy Necklace / Jan.2009
925 銀, 緞帶
Sterling silver, Ribbon
Only on Yahoo Auction Shop


"Free Will" collection in which I have tried to create jewellery without too many simulations and designs. Jewellery not only can preserve its own shape by a natural and a random way, but also could copy my thoughts in an instant. In this modern world, machines gradually replace humans in many places. In the future, our designs will be decided by considering how to construct an idea or structure that machines cannot replicate. This collection is an attempt at a new progression I would like to undertake. There are still many possibilities and experiments I hope to explore.

Fish Scales Pendant-
This is a pendant with abstract shape. The details of this concept are only in my mind. It could tell different stories for wearer and viewer without words, and bring a meaning or not depending on multiple viewpoints.

Lace Fancy Necklace-
It is a necklace with contemporary shape and ancient elegance style. By wax drawing, I could represent thin lines like lace flowers, which are white and fine.


最新作品 :: 森之夜想系列 / Forest Fantasy Collection


Necklace / Jan.2009
925 銀, 月光石
Sterling silver, Moonstone
Only on Yahoo Auction Shop


Ring / Jan.2009
925 銀,拉長石,鏡子
Sterling silver, Labradorite, Mirror
Not for Sale


Pendant / Feb.2008
925 銀
Sterling silver


Ring / Feb.2008
925 銀, 月光石
Sterling silver, Moonstone


「Forest Fantasy」 is the jewellery collection in which I tried to create a forest scene at night, which contains the reality and my imagination. Fear of the dark makes forests seem alive, even though they are lovely in the daytime. This collection is not only jewellery with a spooky atmosphere that is unlike common designs, but it also builds a surreal world that comes from my mind into the real world.

At the same time, I also created a simple version ring of the 「Forest Fantasy」 collection. I picked the main idea of the original type ring to redesign this ring as a product for the public. The moonstone in the center represents the glistening lake in the moonlight like a mirror in the original type. The deeper parts of the ring are oxidised, in the other hand, and the surface is polished.

All items in this collection are limited.


What I am doing these days...

Ribbon Bracelet/ Jan.2009
925 銀
Sterling silver
Not for Sale




品牌的概念是「零存整取」,最後整個品牌價值是整個取出來,零存是你每天的工作往對的方向走,存的時候不費力。 施振榮先生說

I have been working on my new pieces for a while. Sometimes, a new inspiration needs new experiments to complete. It really takes time and energy. I wish my design would be perfect enough for me to present. It is not only a piece of work, but also an achievement of an idea and an attempt. Therefore, I won't push me to create something on time or date. Arts or my creations should come out at the right time and right place. I really think less is more and "Golden Mean" is important!