
豆莢耳環 :: 金工鍛敲作品 / Forged Earring


Pod Earring/ Dec.2007
925 銀
Sterling silver



老東西Miss Maru熱賣中~

I always love all kinds of plants shapes and put into my works, 'Pod Earring' is one of them. I've designed many jewlery of pod-shape jade sculptures from customers, jade is really beautiful but expencive. I always want a pair of it very much. In fact, I couldn't afford it yet. So, I made a silver one!

'Pod Earring' is forged, and I change the original plant shape a little bit. The top part of pod is a little separate from bottom, just like a 'head'. The reason why I made it is to extend entire shape, and try to prettify the round-face.

The result was really good, It can be worn in any occasions.

'Pod Earring' is now selling at
Old Stuff and Yahoo Bid Shop.
