
Miss Maru etc. 輕夏商品(一) / Summer Collection I


Summer Collection I / Jan.-May. 2008
925 銀
Sterling silver

Miss Maru etc. 針對夏天設計的輕夏商品,除了樣式上盡量簡單,也希望是可以在任何場合搭配,甚至天天配戴的首飾。有流線的「Happy Cell」系列,以細胞分裂的樣式做發想,配上圓潤的造型,傳達如生物運動般的蓬勃氛圍;也有以雲紋繞成花朵的 「花漾」耳環;以變形蟲樣貌發想的「變形蟲」耳環。

就讓 Miss Maru etc. 的 Summer Collection 為2008的夏天,紀錄下最珍貴或值得紀念的片刻時光吧~

Light and cute jewelry is suitable for summer time. They're easy to embellish wearing, including of chiffon and layers-wear look. The silver jewelry looks like weightless and shines clear and bright. It's no doubt the best collocated choice with white and summer clothes.

Miss Maru etc. designed 'Summer Collection' with simple shape and smooth surface for daily wear. 'Happy Cell' collection is inspired from cell look, and has the curvilineal shape. I also try to give this collection a blood and movement feeling. There're also 'Like Flower' and 'Spiral' earrings of this collection.

Let Miss Maru etc. Summer Collection capture a piece of summer 2008 for you!

Miss Maru etc. Summer Collection is now selling at Old Stuff and Yahoo auction website.
